About Gateway to Language and Learning

The Gateway to Language and Learning© augmentative communication app (most often referred to as "Gateway") is a widely used AAC core word page set that can be purchased as an add-on product for Proloquo2Go by Assistiveware, TouchChat HD by Saltillo and Snap by Tobii Dynavox.  Gateway includes both symbol and text-based vocabularies that are combined with spelling and word prediction to accommodate the needs of both literate and non-literate users.

Gateway Supports the Needs of Individuals Including:

     Children and adults with Autism

     Children and adults with Developmental Disabilities

     Children with Apraxia

     Children and adults with Cerebral Palsy

     Children and adults with Traumatic Brain Injury

     Children and adults with Down Syndrome

     Adults with ALS aka Lou Gehrig's Disease

Gateway's Benefits Include

1) A variety of page sets, each designed to target the varying communication needs of young children developing language, children and adults with autism and other language impairments, and teens and adults who are competent communicators.

2) It is intuitive to use and its organization and efficiency features allows the user to create his/her messages within an average of less than 1.5 key selections per word.

3) Gateway is available with both SymbolStix® or BoardMaker®, the most popular AAC symbol systems available.

4) Each version of the Gateway augmentative communication app offers a variety of grid sizes ranging from 12 to 140 locations per page, supporting a very wide range of physical needs and abilities.

5) Focused fringe vocabularies minimize the need for extensive navigation to locate frequently used words.