Welcome to Gateway to Language and Learning
Gateway©, an augmentative communication App designed by Joan Bruno, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, is a research-based core word vocabulary for users of augmentative communication (AAC) systems. It includes both symbol and text-based vocabularies that are combined with spelling and word prediction to accommodate the needs of both literate and non-literate users. Gateway includes “Thematic” pages to support communication in academic, leisure and recurring environments.
Gateway works within several widely used AAC App platforms such as Proloquo2Go (Assistiveware), TouchChat HD (Saltillo), and Snap (Tobii Dynavox). Each App comes with several User Vocabularies, each targeting a different clinical population. All User Vocabularies share a consistent high frequency core and offer a focused fringe vocabulary that is relevant to the user’s age, abilities, interests and routine daily activities. The Gateway App offers a range of grid sizes to accommodate a range of physical and visibilities abilities.
A hallmark of Gateway’s design is its efficient organization. It enables message creation using an average of less than 1.5 key selections per word. These features are critically important when communicating using an AAC app or device.
Do you have a question about the Gateway App? Call us at 732-737-4298 or email us today.

Who Can Benefit From Gateway

Children and Adults with Autism and Developmental Disabilities

Children with Apraxia, Cerebral Palsy and Traumatic Brain Injury

Teens and Adults with Advanced Communication Skills

SLP's and Educators Who Work with Individuals Using AAC

Efficient Communication
Gateway’s intuitive organization and efficiency features enable users to create messages with an average of less than 1.5 key selections per word.

Easy to Learn
Gateway’s symbol-based page sets include Symbol Stix® or BoardMaker® PCS symbols, the most popular AAC symbol systems available.

Range of Grid Sizes
Gateway includes a selection of grid sizes ranging from 12 to 140 locations per page, supporting a wide range of physical and visual needs and abilities.

Less Customization Needed
Each of Gateway’s User Vocabularies contains focused fringe vocabulary, minimizing the need for extensive customization.

Track Record of Successful Users
For over 18 years, children and adults have successfully used Gateway to effectively communicate at home, in school, at work and within the community.