Thoughts on Selecting the Most Appropriate AAC Tool for Childre with Autism
Author: Marisa Bierenfeld, M.S. CF-SLP
Introduction: The iPad is a popular recreational and educational tool for children with autism. The availability of numerous AAC Apps aften leads parents and/or professionals to select the use af an iPad over other approaches ... [Read More]

Guest Author: Marisa Bierenfeld, M.S. CF-SLP
Introduction to Early Literacy Early literacy development is critical during the preschool age and is a precursor to children’s reading abilities as they go through grade school. Literacy development includes concepts such as print knowledge, phonemic awareness, and phonological awareness. Print awareness refers to book knowledge (appropriate way to… [Read More]

Applying Social Thinking to AAC
Guest Author: Marisa Bierenfeld, M.S. CF-SLP
Social Thinking can be used for individuals who use AAC devices. All the elements in ILAUGH work together for effective success in social communication, however, professionals can focus on each one individually. Prior to beginning therapy, professionals (just like any other assessment), should establish the student’s baseline. Do they… [Read More]

Learning to Use Core Vocabulary - Kindness Rocks
Author: Joan Bruno, Ph.D.,CCC -SLP
Introduction: For children who use AAC, learning to use their core vocabulary must extend beyon classroom or therapy activities. It is often challenging for parents and professional to find creative and motivating ways… [Read More]

A Review of the Effects of Interventions to Promote Peer Interactions for Children Using AAC
Authors: Marisa Bierenfeld, M.S. CCC-SLP and Gabby May, M.S., CCC-SLP
Most evidence-based articles include multicomponent interventions to promote peer socialization but some studies still focus on single-component interventions. A multicomponent intervention which considers the individual child, the communication partner, and where the communication exchange occurs ... [Read More]

Family Involvement in AAC Intervention - Key to Success
Authors: Marisa Bierenfeld, M.S. CCC-SLP and Gabby May, M.S., CCC-SLP
Most evidence-based articles focus on AAC intervention in a clinical or school setting. They often overlook providing intervention in the home environment. ... [Read More]

A Perspective on Rett Syndrome and Communication Success with this Population
Author: Gabrielle May M.S. CCC-SLP
Introduction: How do you measure communication outcomes when working with children who have Rett syndrome? Many factors contribute when trying to measure positive outcomes for specific populations that use AAC devices. Speech-language pathologists and other professionals must collaborate to achieve the best outcomes for… [Read More]

Evidence-Based Practice - The Foundation for Success
Guest Authors: Marisa Bierenfeld, M.S. CCC-SLP and Gabby May, M.S., CCC-SLP
IToday's blog post focuses on Evidence-Based Practice (EVB). Below are some key points to consider to help ensure that the AAC evuation and/or intervention decisions being considered will result in the best possible outcome … [Read More]

Evaluating the Outcomes of AAC Intervention
Guest Author: Marisa Bierenfeld
Introduction: Various factors can impact the child’s ability to communicate effectively using their AAC device. The outcome of any AAC intervention is affected by the child’s motivation and abilities, family support, professional support, resources, environment, and many other factors. Individualizing the child’s communication needs and identifying strengths can help predict positive… [Read More]

Tangible Symbols – Making Communication Real
Guest Author – Marisa Bierenfeld
Introduction: Individuals with limitations in their ability to recognize or identify standard AAC symbols such as those SymbolSix or BoardMaker PCS, may benefit from using concrete objects or “tangible symbols” to communicate. Included in this group are children who can successfully lead a person to the actual object they want,… [Read More]